Wrzesień 2013

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Ewelina Chwiejda, Porno, obcy i kreskówki - diagnoza kultury współczesnej
Zofia Krawiec, Żyjące meble
Anna Stec, Kolaż, prolaż, czochraż, rolaż i „Korespondaż" Jiřiego Kolařa i Béatrice Bizot we Wrocławiu
Anna Tomczak, Romantyczny konceptualizm?
Marcin Krasny, Chłopakom wolno więcej, czyli Przemysław Matecki w Rastrze
Marek Staszyc, Kim był Martin K., czyli celebracja klęski
Zofia Małkowicz, Co przetrwa apokalipsę pokolenia X, Y, C?

Katarzyna Boratyn, Konfabulacje „Trzeciego oka"

Mikołaj Iwański, Marek Wasilewski i Tomasz Wendland - dwa głosy na temat Arsenału

Monika Weychert Waluszko, Poznań know-how & go go

Marek Staszyc, Granice pustki
Bałtycka Galeria Sztuki Współczesnej, Sztuka to potęga vs. wszystko inne; w Ustce
Rafał Małecki, Marcin Doktor Polak, Marcin Szafrański, Budować, mieszkać, myśleć w ramach "Wymiarów utopii"
Ewa Latkowska-Żychska, Mazią z armaty. Kapoor w Berlinie
Aleka Polis, Joanna Dąbrowska, Łukasz Kierznikiewicz, Mobilni i kreatywni. Sztuka to ruch. Migracje / Kreacje
Marcin Polak, Jerzy Grzegorski, Grzegorz Borkowski, Wielowymiarowe „Konteksty" w Sokołowsku
Piotr Sikora, Makaron na dachu Powiśla



Have you ever thought that you will become a great player like famous players, football legends is the game for you.


Swiftle is a game for Taylor Swift fans who love word puzzles. In this swiftle game, you have to listen to a clip of a Taylor Swift song and try to guess the name of the song in six tries. The clip can come from any part of the song, and it gets longer with each wrong guess. You can also see some clues and hints on the screen, such as the number of letters in the song title and the emoji that represent the song. Swiftle is a fun and challenging way to test your knowledge of Taylor Swift's songs and lyrics.

play a game

heardle is a great game where you listen to music and play games at the same time, you will listen for a few seconds and guess which song it is, can you do it?


play wordle is a great game that brings you many levels from thrill to surprise to happy emotions when completing it.


When you wonder what game to play, right now you can try this new game jacksmith. A very interesting game that helps you become a professional blacksmith crafting many weapons to defeat your enemies.


In unblocked games 76, game performance can vary depending on your internet connection and the specific game's technical requirements. Some older or more graphically demanding titles might experience lag or stutters.


Geometry Dash a popular video game known for its rhythmic gameplay and geometric challenges, has captivated players around the world. In this exploration, we delve into the captivating world of Geometry Dash, highlighting its unique features, gameplay mechanics, and the rhythmic harmony that sets it apart in the gaming realm.